Liam Butler


I've been lucky enough to work in some great agencies, both big networks and small start-ups. I got my first job up north, moved down to London and even had a short stint in New York.

The Red Brick Road Senior Copywriter 06/12
Lowe Board Copywriter 00/06
Ammirati Puris Lintas Copywriter 99/00
Brahm Agency Leeds Junior Copywriter 94/98


Creative Circle 2 Silvers, 3 Bronze
D&AD In Book (6)
Campaign Press 2 Silvers, Finalist
Campaign Poster Finalist (2)
Campaign Big Finalist
Campaign Pick of the week
Creative Review Pick of the Month
BTAA Finalist
Annas Ad of the month Finalist (2)
Aerials Ad of the month, Campaign of the year Finalist
Eurobest Finalist
London International Finalist
Roses Bronze
Yorkshire Publicity Awards Best TV, Young Achiever of the year.

Across TV, Press, Poster, Radio, Digital and Direct.